Grand Island is a vibrant town in the heart of Nebraska, with an abundance of cool things to do and see, from galleries, antiquing, dining, to outdoor activities, and more. Fonner Park is the home of the Nebraska State Fair in the fall, along with an engaging high-tech Raising Nebraska Ag-exhibit, but it’s also alive with activities year round, from horse racing to live concerts. Click here to listen to this episode!
Come along and join Brad Mellema, Executive Director of the Grand Island Convention & Visitors Bureau. He shares his insights about cool things to do and see, including dining, experiencing living history at the Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer, and the Mennonite Heritage Museum in nearby Henderson. The annual migration of 500,000 Sandhill Cranes who spend a month-long layover on the nearby Platte River, resting and refueling while en route to Canada and the Arctic, draws visitors from around the world.

Listen to the show on the Lowell Thomas Award winning travel show, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer featured on the NPR.ORG podcast site. Produced by NPR affiliate KCBX.
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Funding for this show is provided by the Hawaiian Reforestation Initiative

Photo Credit: Tom Wilmer