Anti-Bullying Insights with Laurie Woodward

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Laurie Woodward
Laurie Woodward

Award winning educator and author, Laurie Woodward speaks on the Lowell Thomas Award winning show Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer about her peace program and books. Check out this episode!

As a peace consultant, she helps educators and parents teach children how to stop bullying, avoid arguments, and maintain healthy friendships. She has spent several years working with teams of teachers to develop curriculum based anti-bully lessons and other resources which are available on her popular website, and has traveled internationally to make presentations about empowering children to make peaceful choices. In her classroom, Woodward trains groups of student volunteers as “friend mediators” to act as a go-between for other kids who might be having a conflict. With Mrs. Woodward as the faculty advisor, students use a prepared script to help others learn to take turns, communicate with “I feel” messages, and come up with win-win situations. Woodward sends trained Dolphin Ambassadors out into other classes. The children then teach other students to resolve conflicts peacefully. She has received several grants for t-shirts, peace cards, and DVD’s. Most recently she received an Altrusa grant to purchase audio-video equipment that will be used to film the students teaching peace.  Laurie was a collaborator on the DVD Dean and JoJo: Resolutions. Woodward is the author of the children’s fantasy novel, Artania: The Pharaohs’ Cry ( as well as the cowriter of Dean and JoJo: The Dolphin Legacy. Shelives in Nipomo, California, and teaches in the Santa Maria School District.
