A sampler of how MMofA operates out of the box–the museum reaches out to the community via a pop up storefront showcase of art located right in the heart of downtown Mobile.
In collaboration with other art, history, and related organizations MMofA also coordinates special pedestal art displays at the airport.
Art is also brought to the people through the museum’s partnership with Salvation Army where art and hands on projects are brought to and shared with the homeless residents.
To eliminate any financial barrier, Thursday night’s is when the museum is open to the public free by donation.
Throughout the year classrooms field-trip to the museum for hands-on life changing entrees to the world of art.
“Keepsakes” is a touching MMoA program specifically crafted for Alzheimer caregivers and their charges—where interactions with art serves as a wonderfully beneficial therapeutic modality.
CLICK HERE to Listen to the interview recorded live at MMofA
Fittingly MMofA’s tag line is: Educate, Engage, Enrich: Through the Arts