The revered famine ship Jeannie Johnston graces the Liffey in Dublin, Ireland

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Famine ship Jeanie Johnston at dockside on Dublin's Liffey River
Famine ship Jeanie Johnston at dockside on Dublin’s Liffey River Photo Credit


The famine ship Jeanie Johnston was built in  1848 In Quebec as a freighter. She made 16 trans-Atlantic passages carrying more than 2,500 passengers.
Famine Ship Jeanie Johnston Photo Credti:
Famine Ship Jeanie Johnston Photo Credti:






The ship is revered in the annals of the Irish Potato famine, as not one life was lost throughout her career—while many famine ships lost more than 30 percent of her manifest to disease, lack of fresh water, rotton food and more.
Today, a recreated (2003), and fully seaworthy Jeannie Johnston graces the Liffy River in downtown Dublin, Ireland. Come along onboard for a tour and chat with the skipper.

Listen to the NPR Podcast with the Skipper John O’Neil