McAllen, Texas is so far south that if you headed west you’d eventually pop out on the Pacific Coast around the southern tip of Baja, Mexico. Down here in the Lower Rio Grande Valley it’s a distinctive world, defined by its multi-cultural roots, as well as its stunning natural beauty—exemplified by its stellar World Birding Centers. Come along and join Nancy Millar with the McAllen Convention & Visitors Bureau as she shares her insights in to the amazing diversity of attractions that includes more than 300 restaurants, an international shopping Mecca, cool museums, and world Birding Centers. We’ll stop in at the Museum of South Texas History (MOST) in Edinburg, Texas. The museum showcases the region’s complex history that defines its multi-dimensional, multi-cultural present. Amber Schmitt, Lead Interpreter at Benson-Rio Grande Valley State Park World Birding Center takes us on a walk about where we discover the amazing array of exotic migratory birds. We’ll also visit the must-see-and-do International Museum of Arts and Science.
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