Alan Day and his sister, Sandra, grew up on the Lazy B ranch in the remote outback of southern Arizona. They both worked side by side with the ranch-hands running cattle and managing the range. When they grew up their lives took divergent paths—Alan took the reigns of running the family ranch while Sandra, better known today as Sandra Day O’Connor, went on to become a Supreme Court Justice.
Back in the 1990s when I accompanied the governor of South Dakota to visit and interview Dayton Hyde at his wild mustang refuge, I had no idea that it was Hyde who had talked Alan Day in to starting the first Federally funded Wild Mustang Refuge on his own South Dakota Ranch. At the time, I never imagined I’d someday have the pleasure to meet and visit with Alan Day, one of America’s foremost Wild Mustang training experts. Come along and join me for a conversation with Alan Day as he shares touching memories of his life on the range and his book, The Horse Lover a Cowboy’s Quest to Save the Wild Mustang, with a Forward by Sandra Day O’Connor.
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