Alex Alexiev Part 2—Radical Islam’s Threat to the West

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Alex Alexiev
Alex Alexiev

Listen to Alex Alexiev on the Lowell Thomas Award Winning travel show, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer: Check out this episode! 

Alex Alexiev is a Senior Fellow for Eurasia Affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center in Washington D.C. He has logged more than 35 years as a specialist in U.S. national security as a senior analyst and project director with Rand Corporation’s National Security Division, as well as several Washington D.C., think tanks. He has directed numerous research projects for the Department of Defense, Office of Net Assessment, U.S. Army Intelligence, US Air Force intelligence, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA, and other agencies, and has testified before Congress numerous times.  


Part 2 includes Alexiev’s commentary on Saudi Arabia’s funding of Wahhabi (ibn Abd al-Wahhab) schools and mosques in the United States and other non-Muslim countries around the world. Shariah Finance, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, “Partition” as a viable option for Iraq, the threat of Islamic terrorism in India, and more. The author of 12 books, Alexiev’s most recent is The Wages of Extremism: Radical Islam’s Threat to the West and the Muslim World. I’m Tom Wilmer, come along and join me for a most fascinating conversation with Alex Alexiev.

Link to Alexiev’s June 26, 2003 testimony before the Senate subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security:

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